Monday, April 13, 2015

My Final Reflection!

Though we part as classmates, we continue to be learners in our technology journey.  I have learned so much throughout this class.  I have learned many tools to better facilitate my students.  These experiences have enhanced my understanding of the ISTE-T standards. I think that Standard number one, Facilitate an inspire student learning and creativity, has been intensified by the learning of tools such as Animoto, Voki and Easeally.  These tools are really fun and exciting and I know my students will enjoy using them.  I used to rely on my old favorites like Explain Everything. Now, I can expand my creativity and that of my students.  
Another area of strength, due to this class, is promoting digital citizenship and responsibility.  To be honest, at the beginning of this year when we were given our grade level goals of which lessons we were to do, I thought to myself that this is another hoop to jump through.  I didn't see the value in it as I do now.  I really underestimated the ability of my second graders in the aspect of digital citizenship.  However, through this course I have really opened my eyes to the capacity that young children understand.  While we learned about cyberbullying, copyrights, digital footprints, and Internet safety they did understand the concepts and could apply it to their lives.  

An area that I think I could still work on is to design and assess digital assessments.  I have had instruction on creating Google forms, however I haven't really implemented it into my classroom.  I do desire to use them and I will in the near future. I tend to always turn to paper and pencil when dealing with assessments and I need to expand my horizons and venture into digital assessments.

I have enjoyed this class and although it was time consuming and intense at times, I feel like I am walking away with many more skills than when I began.  These tools will not only help me in my journey as teacher, but they will also help my students as I teach them how to use these programs.  Thank you Rae! 

Monday, March 30, 2015

My Ultimate Learning Space

This is a design of a classroom that I would like to have.  First I would like my room open with lots of natural light.  I feel that natural light is more inviting and stimulating than florescent lighting.  There would be lots of different areas that accommodate the students different needs.  For example, there is a large carpet area for students to be able to quietly read or comfortably work independently in a bean bag chair.  There is a smart board on the wall where the students can present their work to the class and where the class can Skye outside sources.  The focal point is a large section of tables within the classroom area.  Here students can get direct instruction or work together in groups.  On the walls are white boards and a screen that can retract for projecting images.  The cart in the top right hand corner of my room houses all the ipads for my one-to-one classroom.  Near the cart are smaller tables where students can collaborate.  On the wall, near the tables, is a white board that the students can use.  Movement from one section to the  next is encouraged as the student changes activities.   I also would love my classroom linked with the neighboring class.  I used sliding doors behind the bean bag chairs.  This way we could be independent or we could open the doors and work together to coteach and collaborate.  One thing I learned through this module is that students need to interact with one another and outside the classroom.  With these interactions they gain support from each other and learn through the process.  The teacher doesn't need to direct the instruction. Instead, he or she needs to facilitate it.  I also thought that a patio area shared among the two classrooms was a fun and exciting place to collaborate and work with partners. I incorporated tables that would accommodate a large group as well as smaller tables to facilitate smaller partnerships.   The only similarities that this room has with my current room is that there is a carpet area with a smart board and a desk area for direct instruction.  I would love to get rid of the desks though and go to the table layout where students aren't restricted to one spot and can move freely and interact with one another.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

My first Sketchnote about the 21st century learning environment.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Communication and Collaboration

Communication and collaboration are essential in the lives of a teacher.  We must communicate with our students, parents, peers and administrator, however the mode in which I do that may differ.  I communicate with my students verbally and through Kidblog.  In the past, I tried to use Class Dojo for discipline. It worked well for the classroom, but I didn't have much parent participation.  It seemed that the parents who I would have heard from anyways checked it daily, but the students who I needed parental participation from, neglected to look or even open their account.  I was shocked by this and returned to the old fashioned notes home.  I also communicate with parents through emails and text.  I communicate and collaborate with other teachers and my administrator mostly through email and texts.  

2. Which modalities, strategies and tools do you use most often? Which modalities could you use more often?:
Anytime (asynchronous) communications:
 I prefer to use email communication for the majority of my school communication.  I like that I can receive messages, but I don't have to stop my teaching to respond.  I also like to think about my answers if the email is of importance.  It gives flexibility within my life and I can send and receive messages when it is convenient without the pressure to immediately respond.

Real-time (synchronous) communications:
The real time communication I use is chatting.  At work, I use Google chat and at home I use Facebook Messenger.  I enjoy the instant feedback that you get through these methods.  I can also have texting communications in real-time too.  Often, I chat back and forth with coworkers and family.   
Anytime (asynchronous) collaborations:
With our PLC meetings, we use Google Docs.  I love that we can all type into the same document at the same time.  I have to admit though that I don't use it much besides at work.   

Real-time (synchronous) collaborations:

At school, the real-time communication I use is Google Hangout.  Being from an outlying school, a few times I have used Google Hangout to participate in my PLC meetings.  I also Facetime my family when we aren't together.  I feel like I could use this modality more often than I do.

3. How could you improve your communications and collaborations?
I think that I am strong communicator, however I feel that I need to work on my collaboration more.  I think that I could participate in Google hangouts more.  That way I can spend more time in my room doing the things that need to be done instead of traveling to a meeting.  I would also like to try out twitter chats more.  I think that with more exposure, the task will become easier and I love the ideas that others share.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

We have been studying polar lands in Being A Writer.  I have chosen to create a Symbaloo on the topic of polar lands and it's inhabitants so that my students can continue to gather facts to create informational writing pieces.  My students enjoy researching and I know that they  will be fully engaged watching these videos and reading the additional information on polar lands.  I plan on making a shortcut to my Symbaloo on my students ipads and my colleagues can access it through my website if they are interested in using it.  I really like the format of Symbaloo and I plan on using it in the future.
The Being A Writer unit is introducing the people of polar lands.  I plan on showing my students this video about the children and people of the arctic tundra.  I feel that the students will relate more to learning about the people that are their own age, however the video covers more information.  I have placed the video on my Symbaloo and the students can access it there, however I think I would rather show it whole class and stop the video and have the students discuss the differences and similarities between their life and the life of the children on the tundra. I chose to use a video that was created instead of creating it myself because I felt it would be more engaging to see the people and learn about their lives firsthand then to simply state the facts to the students in a self made version.  You get so much more from the video of the children and hearing the peoples' stories.  You can read their emotions in faces even when no words are spoken.  I think that is an advantage in itself because we can stop and talk about what the students infer.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

When reflecting on my own practices related to the ISTE Standards for Teachers section 2, subsections B-D, it would be as follows:

1. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards, and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.  I use a variety of different assessments in my classroom.  We use pretests, final exams, whiteboards, exit tickets, student teachers, rubrics, etc...however, the only assessments that I do online are through online programs that I use.  FrontRow math assesses students and gives me a report about how they are progressing.  imagine learning is also a program that I have for my struggling readers.  This program is wonderful because it gives me detailed reports about where my students are and what there deficiencies are and lessons that will help them master those skills.  DIBELS is also a valuable tool in assessing my students.  I use this information to group my students.  I would love to incorporate google forms into my assessments.  I have sent home permission slips, but haven't received all of them back.  Once I do, we will be up and running!

 2. C Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.   I have given my students projects and allowed them to choose their own medium.  My class doesn't have a lot of experience with IPads.  I have been the first class that they have had that has enough IPads to be able to allow them to be able to create projects simultaneously.  I have had to teach them the apps and that takes time.  Once I know that they are comfortable with these apps, I am comfortable to release it to them as a group.  I plan on teaching my students more ways to display their knowledge in creative ways. 

3. B Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress. I have incorporated goal setting into my classroom, KidBlog.  They really enjoy making a weekly goal, commenting and encouraging each other to reach their goals, and reflecting on them at the end of the week.  I need to let my students have the independence to pursue their own interests on the IPads.

I feel that I have learned a lot this week.  I thought that I was doing pretty good, but now I know that I can be doing so much more.  All of these tools that we have been learning would be awesome to incorporate into the classroom.  I really would love to start gamification right away because my students enjoy anything with games attached to it.  

Sunday, February 22, 2015

This week we have learned about digital citizenship.  The ISTE standards for teachers states what skills our students need to know.  Here is how I will address them through my classroom.

4a. Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.  
We really aren't at the point of citing material in second grade.  Though we do talk about surfing the internet safely.  I use the kid's search site  My students enjoy searching on this site about all their inquiries.  I will model the citing of information and the reasons for doing it.

b. Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources
I use a number of programs within my curriculum that differentiates for each learner.  I use FrontRow in math.  I also use Reading Eggs and Imagine Learning for reading.  Each of these programs takes the students through the standards at their own level. I also love to incorporate choice within projects.  Often I give an assignment, however I give them a choice of the mode to deliver it.

c. Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information
I really enjoy the way that Common Sense Media creates their digital citizenship lessons.  I have already done some of the lessons on that site.  I enjoy the well organized lessons that they provide.  I plan on doing the Staying safe online lesson.  I have already shared my video on cyberbullying with my class.  They enjoyed it and we had a great discussion.  They now want to create their own Animoto videos.

 d. Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital age communication and collaboration tools.
I have enjoyed taking my students on virtual field trips.  We traveled to Plymouth plantation before thanksgiving and discovered how the pilgrims lived long ago.  We are beginning to read about Polar regions in our Being A Writer unit.  I want to incorporate the virtual trip to Antarctica .  I feel that this will really bring the topic to life.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

This week I have learned do much about the importance of thoughtfully incorporating technology within the curriculum.  Students need to be engaged in projects that are content based and teach them to work together collaboratively.  Are jobs as teachers has now been widened to include preparing our students socially to enter their future workplace.  We need to teach them to be not only think critically, but also to be able to communicate their ideas effectively and to be a team player.   Common Core is all about perseverance and that is exactly what Project Based Learning and Bloom's Revised Taxonomy is all about.  I read a quote that said that in order for a student to understand, they must remember.  In order for them to apply, they must understand.  In order analyze, they must apply their understanding.  In order to evaluate, they must be able to analyze, but it takes all of these to create. Wise words!
I have been working on my Social Studies hero unit with my second graders.  I wanted them to take the information that they had learned about the hero of their choice and, with their group, create a five picture story showing his/her life and accomplishments.  This is the substitution level because it takes the place if drawings that could have been done on a poster.  Then they can augment the photos using the Photoshop features when they upload the pictures onto the App Explain Everything.  The app will allow the joining of the photos and voice recording if they choose to do so.  The students will then present their projects to the class (modification). I want the students to upload their projects onto our class website to showcase their work for their parents and receive their comments (Redefinition).  
I have to be honest and say that I had a bit of trouble with my project going through the SAMR model.  I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted to incorporate technology into the lesson.  It was easy for me to redefine and modify the lesson.  I was hard for me to think of the lower levels of the model. What was taking the picture replacing? Oh, they would have had to draw pictures in the past. LOL. I tend to think big and get all excited about the upper models and I don't focus on the lower level and how it was incorporated.  I have learned that I need to slow down and really think about the baby steps and how they modify the lesson (even if it's little).

Sunday, February 8, 2015

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

I have been filling my brain the last two nights with a plethora of information.  I have always tried to integrate technology into my classroom, however I rarely gave it much thought about the domains that I might be using or the level of complexity involved.  In my classroom we already use a lot of differentiated math and reading apps and sites, so most of my goals are toward the collaborative spectrum.
My first goal is to have my students collaborate with one another using the site Kidblog.  This would be at the adaption level of the Technology Integration Model. I started using it last year with my third graders, but to be honest I didn't take it to the level that it could be.  I want to use it more in the way of sharing their weekly goals with one another and supporting their peers.  I also would like it to be used as a type of reflection.  One reason that I am choosing Kidblog is that every entry is sent to the teacher for approval so that unkind or off topic comments can be removed. In order to achieve this goal, I will have to create a time every week for each of my students to create a post (preferably on Friday) where they can reflect on their week's progress and create a new goal for the following week. The site itself has plenty of support for the teacher just starting out and several of the teachers whose blogs I follow also use the site.
My second goal is in the active and collaborative domain.  I would like to create a classroom website that is not just created by the teacher, but student created as well.  I would love to have a student post their learning on the site daily.  This could even be a classroom job.  This could be in a form of the student writing a few sentences about their favorite activity of the day or uploading a project that they created.  This would also function as communication with parents who would be invited to view the site and comment on the posts.  Luckily, I have just learned how to create a blog (thank you!).  We, as a class, will have to come up with our own name  and create our first post together, welcoming our guests.  I know there are several teachers within our district that have classroom websites should I need some support.  I also know that there is bound to be information out there on the Internet.
My third goal is to have my students create more projects that correlate with the content that we are learning, but in fun and engaging ways. This activity would fall into the constructive domain at the adoption level.  I plan on using the app Stick Around.  This app is wonderful! Students can create games for one another and it can be integrated into language arts, writing, math, grammar etc... Not only that, the students have to create an answer sheet to go with it.  The students playing the game are timed and the number of tries are also shown so they can create goals for themselves.  I thought it would be a fun station to incorporate in my math rotations.  Instead of using worksheets, the students can create a puzzle for their peers to solve.  In order to achieve this goal, I will have to make sure that my students can effectively navigate the app independently. This requires me to be knowledgeable enough to troubleshoot any problems my little second graders can get into.  I will most likely start it as a group task where two partners can create a project together.  I learned about this app from one of my blogging buddies (I love to steal other wonderful teacher's ideas). Should I run into trouble, I would turn to my tech savvy colleagues at my school. 
There are so many fun and engaging apps and sites out there for us to create lessons that go beyond our old style of paper and pencil.  I am excited to begin this journey to use technology in an appealing and meaningful way.